On May 11, 2018, the BLS auditorium was filled with music, dance, culture, and community during the annual Asian Night. With fantastic performances from traditional dances to modern breakdancing, "Building Characters" was a night to remember. As we built our own characters and identities, we created memories that will never be forgotten, and we can't wait for next year!
Follow these links for Asian Night photos and videos...
Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watchv=p1WQbGB7usM&list=PLAhdZsXAfNa5TOKswAL0H0qUd3Vf2uVK_
Photos (Via Lee Daniel Tran): https://flic.kr/s/aHsmc6W8Fq

In preparation for Asian Night, we will be hosting a fundraiser with Chipotle on April 15th from 4PM to 8PM! 50% of all profits we earn that day will go towards making Asian Night a success. So invite your friends and family! We will also be offering a special surprise for everyone who attends so be on the lookout for that 👀

Next Tuesday, March 27th in Room 220 at 2:30 ASIA will be hosting a collab with Filipino Club. We will learn about culture in the Philippines and get a tutorial on tinikling, as well as get to see Filipino Club perform 😝! See you there!