Hope everybody had a nice and restful break! To ease back into the swing of things, join us on Tuesday, Feb 27th to celebrate Chinese new year with making lanterns and painting a zodiac in room 220 at 2:30PM. See you all there!

What’s better than eating Korean food after a long day of school? Nothing. Come to ASIA’s Korea Kuisine event next Tuesday, January 30th in the dining hall at 2:30PM for a potluck style of various delicacies from Korea! The best part about it? It’s all free! We hope to see you all there!

What's up guys! Are you ready for Asian Night this year which has been rescheduled to Friday, May 11th? Hopefully you are, because auditions are coming up! If you are interested in auditioning for Asian Night, pick up an audition form in the box in front of Ms. Wong's office! Forms will be due on February 6th, so make sure you sign up! Good luck to everyone!