The Untold History of Asian-Americans (November 2018)
Hey everyone! We hope you're all having a restful and relaxing Thanksgiving break! When school starts again, A.S.I.A. has another wonderful cultural event waiting for you: on Tuesday, November 27th, we will be holding "The Untold History of Asian-Americans" from 2:30-4:00pm in the Seevak Room. Come join us for an entertaining and educational presentation from featured speakers Peter Kiang, professor of cultural studies at UMass Boston, and Suzie Kim, Youth Programs Manager at Asian Community Development Corporation.

The history of Asian immigrants and their descendants in America is one too often brushed over without detail in most history curricula. Many Asian-Americans in the present day are unaware of their ancestors' collective experiences in this country. Thus, we invite you to join us for this important learning experience. Light refreshments will also be served. Hope to see you all there!